Have you answered THE most critical retirement income question?

(Pre)retirees: let’s work to make sure your money outlives you instead of the other way around.

You’re a (pre)retiree wondering about things like:

Will we be ok?

You want to know if and when you can retire comfortably. You want to make sure your money outlives you instead of the other way around.

What if something happens to my spouse?

You hope for the best but know you need to plan for the worst. Having a will usually isn’t enough.

How can we lower the tax bill?

You clearly pay your fair share already— and you only want to pay what the law says you have to pay. No more, no less.

How do we replace our paycheck?

You have a nest egg, but how do we turn assets into income? What about Social Security? Pensions? IRAs?

What investments are appropriate for us?

You want to make smart investment decisions that will keep you and your family on track for the long-term.

What risks should we worry about?

You want to protect your assets and minimize any risks to your family’s financial situation.